Saturday, November 10, 2018


Let me start with TWO questions:

1. Some quotes to show what a tiny piece is our earth in the galaxies:

·         The number of galaxies cannot be counted—the observable universe alone may contain 100 billion.

·         The universe's largest known galaxies are giant elliptical galaxies, which may be as much as two million light-years long.

·         The visible universe is about 98 billion light years in diameter; and the diameter of the earth only about 0.04 light seconds.

·         Earth is a small tiny piece in our universes. 

We live on such a tiny speck of dust, a very little thing in the universe. But all our religions tell us gods come to this speck to salvage the Homo sapiens, even leaving out all other living things on this planet.

The two facts, earth being so small and gods select only this planet, sound so illogical. How come gods selected only this part of universe to have all their funny games? Who knows, they do this in all habitable planets - I don't think this answer is suffice. The geocentric and anthropocentric ideas of all religions are highly questionable.

2. NO RELIGION IS UNIVERSAL. All religions are topographic-specific. Gods of a country go around only in that country and never dare to visit other countries, let alone continents.  

Greek gods roam around Greece; all hill tops in Greece are their abodes. No Greek god appeared anywhere other than Greece.

All Hindu gods - innumerable in number - never crossed the borders of India. They may be in Himalayas or in Cape Comerin, the southernmost end of India. They had their flying fleet but never crossed our shores. Even to Sri Lanka Rama (man or god?) waded through a (Hanu)man made (sic)bridge!

Same goes true for all three Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They have a common big god - Jehova. But all happenings detailed in Torah, Old and New Testaments and Quran were there only in the Middle East. Leave alone the gods; even the prophets, ruling dynasties, and all miracles like being swallowed by whales and regurgitated the live prophet after three days; the Noah's arc ....  you name any person or any incident in these three holy books, all these men and matters belong to Middle East. Not even  a single prophet came from another country or continent. WHY? 

This just proves every religion is a localised entity and was the creation of the people of a specific country. Had there been one god, it should have gone to all places of our earth to salvage all human souls; nothing should restrain the omniscient god to crossing oceans or mountains ...


               This post is open to all. 
            All are welcome to have a 
              discussion on this. 
              The comment section would go well  
              with further discussion with YOU!


1 comment:

srinivasan Nattarasan said...

I completely agree with your views.if really a god is omnipotent why not the god is universal. Wonderful. As you vyou say all the gods have territorial jurisdiction only.they cannot jump out from their barriers.I appreciate your question the gods are concentrating only the earth, that too a tiny place. What is the answer of the pastor?